Is KrisFlyer Experiences exclusively for KrisFlyer members?

Yes, as valued members of Singapore Airlines Group’s rewards programme, only KrisFlyer and PPS Club members will be able to book these experiences.

To cater to the diverse interests of members, KrisFlyer Experiences covers a wide range of interests including culinary, entertainment, arts, sports and travel related experiences. Members will be informed of new KrisFlyer Experiences relevant to their interests via email. Please ensure your interests are updated in your KrisFlyer Profile page by clicking on the Preferences tab, followed by the Lifestyle section. Your email address must also be updated.

You will be able to make your reservations at

Availability is limited and differs for each experience, and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

This varies with each experience. Please refer to the "Terms & Conditions" section within each experience for more information.

Each experience may be redeemed with KrisFlyer miles. The number of miles required varies with each experience. Check individual experiences for more details.